Masonic Orbs
Masonic Orbs
Masonic orb meaning These are masonic adornments. It's also known as a Masonic orb, a golden globe, and a cross fob. The symbolism of a Masonic orb is this. It unfolds to reveal a pendant in the shape of a cross. This can be used as a pocket watch fob as well. These orbs have a pyramid on one side and a masonic sign inscribed on the other. This is what a pendant or a pocket watch looks like....
Knights Hospitallers: The Knights Templar were legendary warriors. They took part in numerous crusades. They provided rigorous training and adhered to stringent guidelines and They never give up in combat because they know they are fighting for God. Even 700 years after their collapse, the Knights Templar continue to fascinate. The Templars were one of Western Christianity's wealthiest and most powerful military groups. The Templars wore a red cross on a white mantle. In mediaeval...
The Templar Cross and its Meaning
The Templar Cross and its Meaning
Templar Cross and its Meaning When Christian soldiers captured Jerusalem from the Muslims in 1099, a flood of visitors flocked to the Holy Land. Many of them were killed while trying to cross Muslim-control territory. In 1118, Hugues de Payne's agreed to form a military order. The Order was given the names of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon by him. Later, the Order was rename the Knights Templar. They decided to base...
How Did The Knights Templar Become Rich
How Did The Knights Templar Become Rich
You will find the answer how rich were the knights templar. The Knights Templar became wealthy because they were the most entrepreneurial of monastic orders, earning from a variety of services such as early forms of banking and the transportation of commodities and people. When individuals migrate from the West to the East in particular. Taxes are not levied on the Knights Templar. Muslims and Christians began exchanging, forming a chain of commerce. The knights...
The Templars and the Holy Grail
The Templars and the Holy Grail
Around 1118 A.D., Hugues de Payne's founded the Knights Templar, a military organization made up of eight relatives and associates. Templar knights guarded European pilgrims on their route to the Holy Land during the Middle Ages. They also carry out military actions. Traveling Templars in the Middle East. The Templar Knights promised they would never surrender. They were well-organize, well-trained, and well-equipped. One theory is that it was in this cup that Jesus took his first...
Garments of the Knights Templar
Garments of the Knights Templar The Knights' Clothes Templar: The Latin Rule of the Templars spells out exactly what the Order's members have to wear. They specify which types of clothing are permitted or prohibited. The sergeants wore black mantels and the knights wore white mantels. After 1143, the Templars were permitted to wear a crimson cross on their habits. The Order's Draper was in charge of distributing this clothing.
Brothers’ Dress
Brother knights, unlike other military orders, may have their own personal...
Masonic Gloves
Masonic Gloves
Being a Freemason entitles you to dress formally and discreetly. The donning of white gloves is an interesting part of a Freemason's masonic attire. It is believed that when freemasonry meets with each other wear gloves as an indication of equality.What the Gloves Symbolize:
If a tradesman met with the clerk in the past. The clerk's hands are delicate, while the tradesmen are rough. Gloves make every Freemasonry hand appear clean. By shaking hands, no one knows the other person's...
FOUNDING OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Firstly, Hugues de Payens, a French knight, with eight cousins and allies founded the Knights Templar around 1118. The Poor Knights of the Temple, a military order, was founded by them. The Knight Templar's mission is to protect European pilgrims visiting Holy Land attractions while also conducting military activities. They set their headquarters on the holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They're digging around in the mountains; either looking for something...