The Ultimate Knight Templar Products Source
The Ultimate Knight Templar Products Source

From Masonic Regalia to Knight Templar products, we have it all. Shop our product right now!
On the site
The London Regalia is a well-known maker and marketer of high-quality Masonic merchandise. We specialize in and have a wide range of Masonic and Knight Templar for all Orders.
Whether you’re an Entered Knight Templar or a Masonic Scottish Regalia, this store provides everything you’ll ever need.
The Knights Templar were a prominent crusading order of knights created in the 11th century that drew many of its members from England and France. There are other Templar castles and cathedrals around England, notably the Temple Church in London, which was featured in the film The Da Vinci Code.
We offer a variety of Knights Templar belts on available at London Regalia. Our Knights Templar belts are crafted of high-quality leather and materials and come in a variety of ranks.
So there are Sir Knight Sword belts, Past Grand Commander sword belts, Knights Templar belt and frog, and so on. The belts are available in a variety of colors, with the flexibility of slings or barrel chains.
The Knights Templar Sword Belt is one of our best-selling swords, and it is especially popular among Freemasons and Templars.
We provide a vast selection of Knight Templar products and masonic hats, crowns, and headgear. We specialize in numerous Freemasonry appendant societies’ masonic hats and headgear.
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