The Life of Hughes de Payens
The Life of Hughes de Payens Hugues de Payens, the Knights Templar's co-founder and first Grand Master. Hugh can also be spelled Hugues de Payens or Hugues de Payns. They took part in the First Crusade, a two-hundred-year battle for control of Jerusalem between the Christian West and the Islamic Middle East. Around 1118, Hugues de Payens founded; an order that became the Poor Knights of Christ, Temple of Solomon, with his eight relatives. The Knights Templar were one of several military...
The Diet of The Knights Templar
The Diet of The Knights Templar
Knight templars follow rules and regulations. They strictly follow these rules. The rules were many, and various. Bérnard de Clairvaux assisted in the development of a long and complicated series of rules that regulated the knights' lives. The Primitive Rule of the Templars was the name given to this rulebook. The knight templars took proper and particular diet. The diet will include eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and dried legumes, as well as eating fish...The Knights Templar Oaths
The Knights Templar Oaths The Knights Templar were one of several military monastic Orders in the Middle Ages. The Templar knights, who wore distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were the Crusades' most powerful battle forces. The templars were a religious order that existed for two hundred years during the Middle Ages. The Templars fought for God's enemies. They were given battlefield training. They adhered to strict principles. The life of a templar is difficult. Bernard de Clairvaux devised rules for...