Masonic Rings

The Road

The Road – A Poem By Carl H. Claudy

The Road 

Carl H. Claudy
So many men before thy Altars kneel Unthinkingly, to promise brotherhood: So few remain, humbly to kiss thy rood With ears undeafened to thy mute appeal So many find thy symbols less than real Their teachings mystic,--hard to understand So few there are, in all thy far flung band To hold thy banner high and draw thy steel, And yet--immortal and most mighty, thou! What hath thy lore of life, to let it live? What is the vital spark, hid in thy vow? Thy...


Labor – A Poem By Silas H. Shepherd


Silas H. Shepherd

He who acts upon the Square Will always well with all compare. The Mason uses tools of love To build a Temple planned above. The Gauge he constantly employs To measure work and limit joys. The Plumb imbues his soul and heart With love Divine and sacred art. The Level guides his daily act And makes good fellowship a fact. If we employ these tools each day A beautiful Temple will be our pay. Gold Masonic RingsStainless Steel Masonic Rings

London Regalia:

We have a lovely...




It is not ornamental, the cost is not great, There are other things far more useful, yet truly I state, Tho of all my possessions, there's none can compare, With that white leather apron, which all Masons wear. As a young lad I wondered just what it all meant, When Dad hustled around, and so much time was spent On shaving and dressing and looking just right, Until Mother would say: "It's the Masons tonight." And some...

Past Master

The Past Master

The Past Master 

Unknown Author Who's the stranger, Mother, dear? Look, he knows us - ain't that queer? Hush, my son, don't talk so wild - He's your father, dearest child. He's my father? It's not so! Father died six years ago. Dad didn't die, Oh love of mine, He's been going through the line. But he's been Master now so he Has no place to go you see - No place left for him to roam. That is why he is coming home. Kiss him, he won't bite you child. All Past...

The Palace

The Palace – By Rudyard Kipling

The Palace When I was a King and a Mason, a Master proven and skilled,  I cleared me ground for a Palace such as a King should build. I decreed and dug down to my levels Presently, under the silt, I came on the wreck of a Palace, such as a King had built. There was no worth in the fashion there was no wit in the plan  Hither and thither, aimless, the ruined footings ran.  Masonry, brute, mishandled, but carven on every stone, After me cometh a...

The Masonic Ring

The Masonic Ring – A Poem

The Masonic Ring

Those men who help my dad each day, They wear those Mason rings. A Square and Compass set in gold, The praise of which I sing.   My dad, he hurt his back you know, One cold and wintery day. He slipped and fell upon the ice, The insurance would not pay.   And since that time those rings I see, On hands that help us much. With mowing lawns and hauling trash, Each day my heart they touch.   My Mom she cried...

entered apprentice ring

Things You Need to Know About the Entered Apprentice Ring

Things You Need to Know About the Entered Apprentice Ring

Members of the fraternity have historically purchased a Master Mason's ring after passing their Master Mason's degree. Question: why do masons wear masonic rings? Answer: Because of his sincere desire, the obligation, the oath, the duty, and the word that binds him to the fraternity. The deep inner and intrinsic desire of every person to be a part of a community of people who share common values and goals. Any Masonic ring serves as...

Gold Masonic Ring

Gold Masonic Rings

Gold Masonic Rings

Today, the Masons are regard as the largest fraternity. Every masonic lodge in the world exists and operates according to ancient principles. Each lodge has its own set of rules and principles. When it comes to the masonic rings, there are various lodges. However, the ring indicates that each component is unique and is worn by Freemasons. The masonic ring is a symbol on its most recognizable emblem that Freemasons wore on their right third finger. When freemasons began...

Ostby Barton ring

Ostby Barton Masonic Ring

Ostby Barton Masonic Ring

The Ostby Barton ring has a long history. Nathan B. Barton founded the company on July 1, 1879, in Providence, Rhode Island. Ostby was a goldsmith from Norway who immigrated to the United States. He is one of the company's co-founders. This company grows to become the largest manufacturer of gold rings in the United States. He becomes a very successful jeweler beginning in 1906. He and his daughter Helen visited Europe to see new ring...

Masonic Ring

Stainless Steel Masonic Rings

Stainless Steel Masonic Rings These rings were worn by Freemasonry members as a symbol of loyalty. The primary reason for wearing a Masonic ring is to demonstrate loyalty to the brotherhood. The signet rings demonstrate the owner's sincerity. These seals or signets are almost like certifications of the actions of a brotherhood member. Freemasonry symbols are used to create the rings. When a Scottish Rite Mason attains the 14th degree, he is entitled to wear the 14th-degree ring. Masonic rings denoted not...

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