
The Lodge Room Over Simpkin’s Store

The Lodge Room Over Simpkin's Store By Lawrence Greenleaf The plainest Lodge room in the land was Over Simpkins' Store Where Friendship Lodge had met each month for fifty' years or more. When o'er the earth the moon full-orbed, had cast her brightest beams, The Brethren came from miles around on horseback and in teams,                    And 0! what heavy grasp of hand, what welcome met them there, As mingling with the waiting groups they slowly mount the...


Masonic Membership Card – A Poem

Masonic Membership Card

By Unknown Author  hold in my hand a little scrap of paper 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches in size. It is of no intrinsic worth, not a bond, not a check or receipt for valuables, yet it is my most priceless possession. It is my membership card in a Masonic Lodge. It tells me that I have entered into a spiritual kinship with my fellow Masons  practice charity in word and deed; to forgive and forget the faults of my brethren;  hush the tongues of scandal...


The Masters Last Prayer – A Poem

The Master's Last Prayer

By Unknown Author The day's labors done My journey's end has come. A new guide now leads us on. The path may be the same, The Masters Last Prayer But the style is his own: A new post will soon pass, Another mark will be reached. Let us all pray, he will lead us,   To an even brighter da        The Masters Last Prayer

London Regalia:

We have a lovely collection of Master Mason Aprons here at London Regalia. We also sell apron cases...

The Level and the Square

The Level and the Square – A Poem By Rob Morris

The Level and the Square

By Rob Morris

We meet upon the level and we part upon the square These words have precious meaning and are practice everywhere Come let us contemplate them, they are worthy of a thought From the ancient times of Masonry, these symbols have taught We meet upon the level, every country, sect, and creed The rich man from his mansion, the poor man from the field For wealth is not consider within our outer door And we all meet...

we meet upon the level


We Meet on the Level

By Peter Ryan

We meet on the level, my Brothers and me, We encourage good men into our society. If their actions are upright and always true, As If we see integrity in all that they do.  If they seek more light and value truth, If their own insights desire proof. we will offer them our right hand, And welcome them from any land. For we judge on character not creed, Nor on religion or wealth, but deed. We'll meet them on the level, my...

The Lodge Where I belong

The Lodge where I belong – A Poem By Arthur R. Herrmann

The Lodge where I belong 

By Arthur R. Herrmann

Though my lodge may lack the splendor Of a Temple or a Shrine, Or possess the gaudy fixtures that are classed as superfine, Yet the fellowship it offers is in a price beyond compare. And I wouldn’t trade it ever for life's treasures rich or bare! The handclasp firm, the word of cheer, Oh, such meanings they impart, The mystic ties of brotherhood that links our heart to heart! You'd really have to travel far, For the friendships quite so strong, As...

A Heart Warm Fond Adieu

Adieu, A Heart-Warm, Fond Adieu – Poem

Adieu, A Heart-Warm, Fond Adieu

By Robert Burns Adieu, a heart warm, fond adieu, Dear brothers of the mystic tie! Ye favored, ye enlightened few, Companions of my social joy! Tho' I to foreign lands must hie, Pursuing fortune's slidd'ry ba', With melting heart and brimful eye, I'll mind you still, though far awa! Oft have I met your social band, An' spent the cheerful, festive night Oft, honored with supreme command, Presided o'er the sons of light And by that Hieroglyphic bright, Which none but Craftsmen ever saw, Strong memory on my heart...


Labor – A Poem By Silas H. Shepherd


Silas H. Shepherd

He who acts upon the Square Will always well with all compare. The Mason uses tools of love To build a Temple planned above. The Gauge he constantly employs To measure work and limit joys. The Plumb imbues his soul and heart With love Divine and sacred art. The Level guides his daily act And makes good fellowship a fact. If we employ these tools each day A beautiful Temple will be our pay. Gold Masonic Rings, Stainless Steel Masonic Rings

London Regalia:

We have a lovely...

Bernard de Clairvaux

How Did Bernard de Clairvaux Influenced the Knights Templar

How Did Bernard de Clairvaux Influence the Knights Templar

After the First Crusade, more pilgrims visited the Holy Land than ever before. Because they were vulnerable, many of these pilgrims were targeted, and they lost their belongings and, in some cases, their lives. Hugues de Payens summoned a group of knights with his eight relatives. They requested permission from Jerusalem's King Baldwin II to protect the pilgrims. Hugues de Payens travelled throughout Europe, meeting with noblemen and rulers. He was successful in...

Famous Knights Templar Figures

Famous Knights Templar Figures

Famous Knights Templar Figures

The Knights Templar were legendary warriors. In the medieval era, knight templars were undoubtedly a monastic military order. They were in charge of safeguarding pilgrims in Jerusalem and on their way to the Holy Land. They were the Grand Military Order of the Masons. The Templars took part in numerous battles and Crusades, as well as developing a banking system. The Knights Templar was a wealthy Christian order with a prominent member. So, The knight templar society attracted...

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