Three Candles

Three Candles

Three Candles

Walter Marshall MacDougall

Three Candles

Three candles burning in a darkened room,
Three candles lighting the Sacred Book;
The square and compasses, the level and the plum.
While round about the neophyte,
The brethren stand and vow to keep;
Him company upon the journey East;
In quest of wisdom and a caring heart.
For the call is out for builders by the line and rule,
To build on earth a house of light
Adorned with love and human dignity.

Walter Marshall MacDougall

Walter Marshall Macdougall; an enthusiastic tourist; investigative researcher, and spirited Highlander takes you on a tour of the glens and hills of the Scottish Highlands. He traces the clan of historical and cultural roads throughout the ancient territory of Somerled with the help of kinsfolk and friends, including the 30th Chief of Clan MacDougall. After years of research; and correspondence with Scottish relatives, the authors dream of visiting MacDougall Country came true. His journal notes and sketches supplement with maps, historical notes; and geographical information to form a unique illustrate travel guide for all who wish to explore this country and its people in Journeying in MacDougall Country.

“This beautifully written book should bring a lot of joy to a lot of people.”

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