Grand Master

Always a Mason

Always a Mason

 Douglas Malloch                   Masonry Let no king quite put off his crown! I still would have him kingly when In some old inn, the king sat down To banquet with his serving men. I love a mild and merry persist,         Whom Brothers toast, and neighbors prod; Yet would I have him, at the feast, A little of the man of God.     So, with a Mason: I would see Him somewhat of...


Masonic Aprons

Masonic Aprons

What exactly is an apron?

An apron is a clothing garment that protects our clothes from getting damaged while we are performing various tasks. For example, someone doing carpentry, blacksmithing, or stonework would wear an apron. In contrast, a Masonic Aprons is worn from the waist down, while these aprons are long enough to cover the chest to about mid-thigh. It has been traditional to wear an apron during religious ceremonies like those of the Egyptian or Hebrew priests, who wore what is known as an...

Bernard de Clairvaux

How Did Bernard de Clairvaux Influenced the Knights Templar

How Did Bernard de Clairvaux Influence the Knights Templar

After the First Crusade, more pilgrims visited the Holy Land than ever before. Because they were vulnerable, many of these pilgrims were targeted, and they lost their belongings and, in some cases, their lives. Hugues de Payens summoned a group of knights with his eight relatives. They requested permission from Jerusalem's King Baldwin II to protect the pilgrims. Hugues de Payens travelled throughout Europe, meeting with noblemen and rulers. He was successful in...

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