Women and the Knights Templar

Masonic Knights Templar Swords

Masonic Knights Templar Swords

Most Knights Templar swords accessible today are formal or emblematic swords. They aren't intended for battling or to be utilized as a weapon. They are likewise not the same as the swords utilized in the middle Ages by the Knights Templar to ensure travelers and battle battles during the Crusades. Blades utilized by the Templars of those days were plain, and not enhanced like Masonic swords of today. Knights Templar blades are important and can be given...


How Did The Templars Influence Game of Thrones

How Did The Templars Influence Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is one of the well-known series throughout the entire existence of TV. The finale scene circulated on May nineteenth, 2019, and surprisingly almost two years after it finished, it stays the focal point of the interest of general society and the pundits. The epic tale is the work of the novelist George R.R Martin in which he manifested his passion for the supernatural, dynasties, and medieval times. We can find many...


The Masonic Lamb

The Masonic Lamb

Masons use a masonic lambskin apron. But one may ask? Why a lambskin apron? The Masonic Lamb is a symbol of purity and innocence.  Usable Freemasons wear covers to keep articles of clothing from smudge. Speculative Freemasons wear a cover to advise us that we should avoid things that will pollute us ethically. The Bible says that we should keep ourselves plain from the world and our pieces of clothing should stay white. James 1:26-27: The religion of this...


Masonic Emblems

Masonic Emblems

Masonic emblems are unique in relation to Masonic symbols. Emblems can just make them meanwhile symbols could have different implications. Emblems resemble a logo that addresses a theoretical idea. They are an apparent type of idea. Their significance is very simple to decipher dissimilar to symbols. However, a few sites, history specialists, and others utilize the words emblems and symbols reciprocally. The notable Masonic square and compasses are an emblem of the Freemason organization. The symbol is reserved...


The Masonic Eye

The Masonic Eye

The Masonic Eye is an emblematic portrayal of the Eye of God. It addresses God's watchfulness over the Universe and his consideration of the universe. The Masonic Eye or The All Seeing Eye has been utilized by different developments previously.

Egyptians and Hebrews: 

The Egyptians and the Hebrews began utilizing the image of the Masonic Eye because of allegorical thinking from the individuals who imagined that the Eye was an image of God's All Seeing capacity. The hand was...


What is A Mason?

What Is A Mason?

That's not a stunning question. Although Masons (Freemasons) area unit members of the biggest and oldest fraternity within the world and although nearly everybody contains a father or gramps or uncle UN agency was a Mason, many of us are not quite bound simply UN agency Masons area unit. The answer is easy. A Mason (or Freemasons) could be a member of a fraternity refers to as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity could be a...




The Masonic Aprons aren't a contemporary invention, in truth, it's the foremost ancient of all clothes. Within the third Chapter of Genesis. These words square measure written: "and the eyes of them each open, and that they know they are naked, and that they seamed fig leaves along, and create themselves aprons."

Masonic Aprons:

Masonic Aprons are one of every of the foremost fascinating, stunning, and curious things within the Fraternity’s history. Members of medieval, operative stone-masons guilds...


Masonic Aprons

Masonic Aprons

What exactly is an apron?

An apron is a clothing garment that protects our clothes from getting damaged while we are performing various tasks. For example, someone doing carpentry, blacksmithing, or stonework would wear an apron. In contrast, a Masonic Aprons is worn from the waist down, while these aprons are long enough to cover the chest to about mid-thigh. It has been traditional to wear an apron during religious ceremonies like those of the Egyptian or Hebrew priests, who wore what is known as an...

Garments of the Knights Templar

Garments of the Knights Templar

Garments of the Knights Templar The Knights' Clothes Templar: The Latin Rule of the Templars spells out exactly what the Order's members have to wear. They specify which types of clothing are permitted or prohibited. The sergeants wore black mantels and the knights wore white mantels. After 1143, the Templars were permitted to wear a crimson cross on their habits. The Order's Draper was in charge of distributing this clothing.

Brothers’ Dress

Brother knights, unlike other military orders, may have their own personal...

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