The Level and the Square

The Level and the Square – A Poem By Rob Morris

The Level and the Square

By Rob Morris

We meet upon the level and we part upon the square These words have precious meaning and are practice everywhere Come let us contemplate them, they are worthy of a thought From the ancient times of Masonry, these symbols have taught We meet upon the level, every country, sect, and creed The rich man from his mansion, the poor man from the field For wealth is not consider within our outer door And we all meet...

By The Work You Did Today

By The Work You Did Today – A Poem By Charles L. Mead

By The Work You Did Today

By Charles L. Mead Can you say tonight in parting with the day that's slipping past That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed? Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did and said? Does the man whose hopes were fading, Now with courage look ahead? Did you waste the day or lose it, Was it well or poorly spent? Did you leave a trail of kindness, Or a scar of discontent? As you close your eyes in slumber, Do you think...

hiram abiff last words

I Knelt Where Hiram Knelt – A Poem

I Knelt Where Hiram Knelt  by Pat M. Armstrong Last night I knelt where Hiram knelt   And took an obligation. Today, I’m closer to my God   And I’m a Master Mason. Though heretofore my fellow men   Seemed each one like the other; Today, I search each one apart   I’m looking for “MY BROTHER.” And as I feel his friendly grip   It fills my heart with pride; I know that while I’m on the square   That he is on my side.                ...

we meet upon the level


We Meet on the Level

By Peter Ryan

We meet on the level, my Brothers and me, We encourage good men into our society. If their actions are upright and always true, As If we see integrity in all that they do.  If they seek more light and value truth, If their own insights desire proof. we will offer them our right hand, And welcome them from any land. For we judge on character not creed, Nor on religion or wealth, but deed. We'll meet them on the level, my...

Let's Go To Lodge Tonight

Let’s Go To Lodge Tonight! – Poem

Let's Go To Lodge Tonight!

Author Unknown My brother, let's go to Lodge tonight; You haven't been for years. Let's don our Lambskin Apron white And sit among our peers. I feel a kind of longing, see, to climb those creaky stairs; I know it'll be a thrill for me to lay aside my cares. We'll meet Tyler at the door and though he'll hesitate, we'll hear him say just as before, "Come in or you'll be late." I'd like to get out on the floor-- Come on, let's get inline; I want to...

The Lodge Where I belong

The Lodge where I belong – A Poem By Arthur R. Herrmann

The Lodge where I belong 

By Arthur R. Herrmann

Though my lodge may lack the splendor Of a Temple or a Shrine, Or possess the gaudy fixtures that are classed as superfine, Yet the fellowship it offers is in a price beyond compare. And I wouldn’t trade it ever for life's treasures rich or bare! The handclasp firm, the word of cheer, Oh, such meanings they impart, The mystic ties of brotherhood that links our heart to heart! You'd really have to travel far, For the friendships quite so strong, As...



The White Lamb Skin Apron

By Franklin W. Lee Here's a toast to the Lamb skin, more ancient by far Than the fleece of pure gold or the eagles of war 'Tis an emblem of innocence, nobler to wear Than the Garter of England or order as rare. Let the king wear the purple and point to his crown Which may fall from his brow when his thrown tumbles down But the badge of a Mason has much more to give Than a kingdom so frail that...



The Model Mason

By Rob Morris There's a fine old Mason in the land, he's genial, wise and true, His list of brothers comprehends, dear brothers, me and you So warm his heart the snow blast fails to chill his generous blood, And his hand is like a giant's when outstretched to man or GOD Reproach nor blame, nor any shame, has checked his course or dimmed his fame All honor to his name! This fine old Mason is but one of a large family: In every...

How Good and How Pleasant 

How Good and How Pleasant – A Poem By Giles Fonda Yates

How Good and How Pleasant 

By Giles Fonda Yates Behold, how pleasant and how good For brothers such as we In this united Brotherhood To dwell in unity. ‘Tis like the oil on Aaron′s head Which to his feet distills Like Hermon′s dew so richly shed On Zion′s sacred hills. For there the Lord of light and love A blessing sent with power, O, may we all this blessing prove, Even life for evermore. On friendship′s altar, rising here, Our hands now plighted be, To live in love, with hearts sincere, In peace...

The Goddess of Masonry

The Goddess of Masonry – A Poem By Charles F. Forshaw

The Goddess of Masonry

 A Poem By Charles F. Forshaw

Goddess of Purity, Spotless and rare Emblem of Charity Unsullied, fair Symbol of Meekness –– Radiant, bright, ′Minding the Brethren Of realms of Light –– Strong in the knowledge Virtuous might. Symbol of Chastity, Spirit of Bliss, Coming to cheer us, Through the abyss, Token of faithfulness –– Be thou our guide Emblem of Hopefulness –– Keep by our side Help us and lead us o′er Every dark tide! Tags: Masonic apronsYork Rite

London Regalia:

We have a lovely collection of Master Mason Aprons here at London...