masonic lodges

What is Freemasonry?

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is the world's most powerful fraternal organization. Although its origins are lost in the unrecorded history of medieval times, it was formally organized in London, England, in 1717. There are currently over 3 million Freemasons active worldwide, with 1.1 million in North America. With 75,000 Masons and 450 lodges, Ohio has one of the largest Masonic memberships of any state in the country. Freemasonry, as a fraternal organization, brings together men of great character who, despite their differing...

Father of the York rite

The Father of The York Rite

The Father of the York Rite

  Thomas Smith Webb is considered to be the Father of the York Rite or the American Rite. Born on October 30, 1771, in Boston, Massachusetts. Webb grew up as a printer’s apprentice in Boston before continuing in New Hampshire. In New Hampshire, he completed the three Ancient Craft Masonry degrees at the Rising Sun Lodge in 1790. In 1793, Thomas Smith Webb moved to Albany, where he started a paper staining factory. Thomas Smith Webb is...

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