What is A Mason?

What Is A Mason?

That's not a stunning question. Although Masons (Freemasons) area unit members of the biggest and oldest fraternity within the world and although nearly everybody contains a father or gramps or uncle UN agency was a Mason, many of us are not quite bound simply UN agency Masons area unit. The answer is easy. A Mason (or Freemasons) could be a member of a fraternity refers to as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity could be a...


Masonic Supplies

Masonic Supplies

It is usually based on different categories some of them are as:  Masonic Regalia  Regalia Accessories

Masonic Regalia

Firstly, Mason regalia are the Masonic Supplies of accessories and garments that provide the Freemasons a unique identity during ceremonial meetings or gatherings Freemasons are wearing some of these garments as pieces of clothing since the first meetings of Freemasons. Secondly, these garments and accessories are a symbol of pride for members of the prestigious organization. People still have mixed perceptions and opinions...


What is Freemasonry?

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is the world's most powerful fraternal organization. Although its origins are lost in the unrecorded history of medieval times, it was formally organized in London, England, in 1717. There are currently over 3 million Freemasons active worldwide, with 1.1 million in North America. With 75,000 Masons and 450 lodges, Ohio has one of the largest Masonic memberships of any state in the country. Freemasonry, as a fraternal organization, brings together men of great character who, despite their differing...


Always a Mason

Always a Mason

 Douglas Malloch                   Masonry Let no king quite put off his crown! I still would have him kingly when In some old inn, the king sat down To banquet with his serving men. I love a mild and merry persist,         Whom Brothers toast, and neighbors prod; Yet would I have him, at the feast, A little of the man of God.     So, with a Mason: I would see Him somewhat of...

The Masonic Ring

The Masonic Ring – A Poem

The Masonic Ring

Those men who help my dad each day, They wear those Mason rings. A Square and Compass set in gold, The praise of which I sing.   My dad, he hurt his back you know, One cold and wintery day. He slipped and fell upon the ice, The insurance would not pay.   And since that time those rings I see, On hands that help us much. With mowing lawns and hauling trash, Each day my heart they touch.   My Mom she cried...

Masonic Cufflinks

Masonic Cufflinks

Masonic Cufflinks Any brother who is proud to be a member of the fraternity appreciates wearing the appropriate accessory to demonstrate his pride and allegiance. The Freemasons have their own set of badges. As a result, different symbols are used depending on the field. The Freemasons are the oldest fraternity in existence. They are a group of people who believe that it is every man's responsibility to constantly improve himself. Meanwhile, he must always be true to his family, country, values,...

Masonic Jewelry and Regalia

Masonic Jewelry and Regalia

Masonic Jewelry and Regalia

We studied the history of freemasonry. The most intriguing aspect of freemasons jewellery is who wears masonic regalia. The most important aspect of freemasonry is the regalia. Masonic regalia is a material or set of accessories used by freemasonry. Regalia includes aprons, jewels, rods, and a variety of other items and materials worn and used by insiders according to Lodge and Degree. It also serves as a symbol of brotherhood. Lodge Owned by Regalia The masonic regalia...

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