Knight templar and women

Knight Templar

The Ultimate Knight Templar Products Source

The Ultimate Knight Templar Products Source Knight Templar Source of Products   From Masonic Regalia to Knight Templar products, we have it all. Shop our product right now! On the site The London Regalia is a well-known maker and marketer of high-quality Masonic merchandise. We specialize in and have a wide range of Masonic and Knight Templar for all Orders. Whether you're an Entered Knight Templar or a Masonic Scottish Regalia, this store provides everything you'll ever need. The Knights Templar were a prominent...


History of The Knights Templar

History of The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were an ancient military order associate with the Catholic Church; founded in 1119 CE. Despite the fact that the Order was founded in 1119 CE, it did not receive ecclesiastical recognition until 1129 CE. The Knights Templar were established to protect travelers and Christian holy sites in the Middle East and other parts of the world. History of The Knights Templar The Knights Templar's central command was initially located in Jerusalem before being...


Masonic Knights Templar Swords

Masonic Knights Templar Swords

Most Knights Templar swords accessible today are formal or emblematic swords. They aren't intended for battling or to be utilized as a weapon. They are likewise not the same as the swords utilized in the middle Ages by the Knights Templar to ensure travelers and battle battles during the Crusades. Blades utilized by the Templars of those days were plain, and not enhanced like Masonic swords of today. Knights Templar blades are important and can be given...


Masonic Aprons

Masonic Aprons

What exactly is an apron?

An apron is a clothing garment that protects our clothes from getting damaged while we are performing various tasks. For example, someone doing carpentry, blacksmithing, or stonework would wear an apron. In contrast, a Masonic Aprons is worn from the waist down, while these aprons are long enough to cover the chest to about mid-thigh. It has been traditional to wear an apron during religious ceremonies like those of the Egyptian or Hebrew priests, who wore what is known as an...

Women and the Knights Templar

Women and the Knights Templar

Women and the Knights Templar

The Knights Templar is without a doubt one of the most well-known medieval groups. Many films and novels have been made about their secretive nature being explored. The knight templars are rever for their devotion, bravery, and loyalty to their faith. There are numerous myths surrounding the life of Knight Templars. One of the most understudied aspects of the Knights' lives is their friendship with women. The Temple Order's rules emphasized a conservative monastic approach to women....

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