Knight Templar

Knight Templar

The Ultimate Knight Templar Products Source

The Ultimate Knight Templar Products Source Knight Templar Source of Products   From Masonic Regalia to Knight Templar products, we have it all. Shop our product right now! On the site The London Regalia is a well-known maker and marketer of high-quality Masonic merchandise. We specialize in and have a wide range of Masonic and Knight Templar for all Orders. Whether you're an Entered Knight Templar or a Masonic Scottish Regalia, this store provides everything you'll ever need. The Knights Templar were a prominent...


The Masonic Eye

The Masonic Eye

The Masonic Eye is an emblematic portrayal of the Eye of God. It addresses God's watchfulness over the Universe and his consideration of the universe. The Masonic Eye or The All Seeing Eye has been utilized by different developments previously.

Egyptians and Hebrews: 

The Egyptians and the Hebrews began utilizing the image of the Masonic Eye because of allegorical thinking from the individuals who imagined that the Eye was an image of God's All Seeing capacity. The hand was...


How to Become a Freemason

How to Become a Freemason

We have detected some recent queries on the way to becoming a Mason on our diary. During this diary post, we’ll tell you all that you simply ought to understand changing into a Mason. If you join the Freemason Brotherhood, you are joining the biggest and most established clique on the planet. You will turn out to be important for a Brotherhood that has more than 2 million individuals from all nations, religions, races, and ages. To...


What is A Mason?

What Is A Mason?

That's not a stunning question. Although Masons (Freemasons) area unit members of the biggest and oldest fraternity within the world and although nearly everybody contains a father or gramps or uncle UN agency was a Mason, many of us are not quite bound simply UN agency Masons area unit. The answer is easy. A Mason (or Freemasons) could be a member of a fraternity refers to as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity could be a...


Always a Mason

Always a Mason

 Douglas Malloch                   Masonry Let no king quite put off his crown! I still would have him kingly when In some old inn, the king sat down To banquet with his serving men. I love a mild and merry persist,         Whom Brothers toast, and neighbors prod; Yet would I have him, at the feast, A little of the man of God.     So, with a Mason: I would see Him somewhat of...

Knights Templar and Muslims



The Knights Templar were legendary warriors. Without a doubt, knight templars were a monastic military order in the Middle Ages. They established headquarters on the holy Temple Mount, with the support of King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, and pledged to protect Christian visitors to the city. The responsibility of the Knights Templar was to protect pilgrims in Jerusalem and to travel to the Holy Land. They were the Grand Lodge of the Masonic Military Order. Now,...

Women and the Knights Templar

Women and the Knights Templar

Women and the Knights Templar

The Knights Templar is without a doubt one of the most well-known medieval groups. Many films and novels have been made about their secretive nature being explored. The knight templars are rever for their devotion, bravery, and loyalty to their faith. There are numerous myths surrounding the life of Knight Templars. One of the most understudied aspects of the Knights' lives is their friendship with women. The Temple Order's rules emphasized a conservative monastic approach to women....

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