
Rare Masonic Books

Rare Masonic Books

There is a unit where many Masonic books are alive. However, there is a unit a pick few that area unit terribly arduous to seek out. These ones area unit the rare ones.

The First Masonic Book to be published in America

The terribly initial edition of the primary Masonic book to be revealed in America was written by Benjamin Franklin in the city in 1734. Moreover, It’s titled ‘The Constitutions of the Freemasons.’ It's a reprint...

How Good and How Pleasant 

How Good and How Pleasant – A Poem By Giles Fonda Yates

How Good and How Pleasant 

By Giles Fonda Yates Behold, how pleasant and how good For brothers such as we In this united Brotherhood To dwell in unity. ‘Tis like the oil on Aaron′s head Which to his feet distills Like Hermon′s dew so richly shed On Zion′s sacred hills. For there the Lord of light and love A blessing sent with power, O, may we all this blessing prove, Even life for evermore. On friendship′s altar, rising here, Our hands now plighted be, To live in love, with hearts sincere, In peace...

History of freemasonry

History of The Freemasonry

History of Freemasonry

So, The questions of when; how; why and where Freemasonry originated are still the subject of intense speculation. The general consensus among Masonic scholars is that it descends directly or indirectly from the organization of operative stonemasons; who built the great cathedrals and castles of the middle ages. However; the claims of origin go further back to bronze age civilizations who were supposedly; built by Freemasons and from whom Freemasons actually claim their origins. And Masonic patronage is...

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