
What is A Mason?

What Is A Mason?

That's not a stunning question. Although Masons (Freemasons) area unit members of the biggest and oldest fraternity within the world and although nearly everybody contains a father or gramps or uncle UN agency was a Mason, many of us are not quite bound simply UN agency Masons area unit. The answer is easy. A Mason (or Freemasons) could be a member of a fraternity refers to as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity could be a...


Masonic Supplies

Masonic Supplies

It is usually based on different categories some of them are as:  Masonic Regalia  Regalia Accessories

Masonic Regalia

Firstly, Mason regalia are the Masonic Supplies of accessories and garments that provide the Freemasons a unique identity during ceremonial meetings or gatherings Freemasons are wearing some of these garments as pieces of clothing since the first meetings of Freemasons. Secondly, these garments and accessories are a symbol of pride for members of the prestigious organization. People still have mixed perceptions and opinions...


What is Freemasonry?

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is the world's most powerful fraternal organization. Although its origins are lost in the unrecorded history of medieval times, it was formally organized in London, England, in 1717. There are currently over 3 million Freemasons active worldwide, with 1.1 million in North America. With 75,000 Masons and 450 lodges, Ohio has one of the largest Masonic memberships of any state in the country. Freemasonry, as a fraternal organization, brings together men of great character who, despite their differing...




The Masonic Aprons aren't a contemporary invention, in truth, it's the foremost ancient of all clothes. Within the third Chapter of Genesis. These words square measure written: "and the eyes of them each open, and that they know they are naked, and that they seamed fig leaves along, and create themselves aprons."

Masonic Aprons:

Masonic Aprons are one of every of the foremost fascinating, stunning, and curious things within the Fraternity’s history. Members of medieval, operative stone-masons guilds...


Always a Mason

Always a Mason

 Douglas Malloch                   Masonry Let no king quite put off his crown! I still would have him kingly when In some old inn, the king sat down To banquet with his serving men. I love a mild and merry persist,         Whom Brothers toast, and neighbors prod; Yet would I have him, at the feast, A little of the man of God.     So, with a Mason: I would see Him somewhat of...


Masonic Aprons

Masonic Aprons

What exactly is an apron?

An apron is a clothing garment that protects our clothes from getting damaged while we are performing various tasks. For example, someone doing carpentry, blacksmithing, or stonework would wear an apron. In contrast, a Masonic Aprons is worn from the waist down, while these aprons are long enough to cover the chest to about mid-thigh. It has been traditional to wear an apron during religious ceremonies like those of the Egyptian or Hebrew priests, who wore what is known as an...


The Lodge Room Over Simpkin’s Store

The Lodge Room Over Simpkin's Store By Lawrence Greenleaf The plainest Lodge room in the land was Over Simpkins' Store Where Friendship Lodge had met each month for fifty' years or more. When o'er the earth the moon full-orbed, had cast her brightest beams, The Brethren came from miles around on horseback and in teams,                    And 0! what heavy grasp of hand, what welcome met them there, As mingling with the waiting groups they slowly mount the...


Masonic Light – A Poem By C. Pylate Price

Masonic Light

By C. Pylate Price With the light of thirty three thousand suns; Freemasonry illuminates the darkest corners of the earth The benevolence of our gentle craft; Is a blessing from the Great Architect Of The Universe. To all mankind Beyond the boundaries of limits Set only by crippled feeble minds Through the perils of endless time Our Masonic brotherhood perseveres Quietly serving others; sometimes out of sight For breaking the darkness Is the illuminated brightness of Masonic Light?

London Regalia:

We have a lovely collection of Master Mason Aprons here...


Masonic Membership Card – A Poem

Masonic Membership Card

By Unknown Author  hold in my hand a little scrap of paper 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches in size. It is of no intrinsic worth, not a bond, not a check or receipt for valuables, yet it is my most priceless possession. It is my membership card in a Masonic Lodge. It tells me that I have entered into a spiritual kinship with my fellow Masons  practice charity in word and deed; to forgive and forget the faults of my brethren;  hush the tongues of scandal...


The Masters Last Prayer – A Poem

The Master's Last Prayer

By Unknown Author The day's labors done My journey's end has come. A new guide now leads us on. The path may be the same, The Masters Last Prayer But the style is his own: A new post will soon pass, Another mark will be reached. Let us all pray, he will lead us,   To an even brighter da        The Masters Last Prayer

London Regalia:

We have a lovely collection of Master Mason Aprons here at London Regalia. We also sell apron cases...

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